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S3E05: Ctrl+Alt+Happy: Reprogramming Work Culture with Reydi Sutandang
Ctrl+Alt+Happy: Reprogramming Work Culture with Reydi Sutandang | Nalar Bicara Podcast 🎙️✨

How do you build a successful B2B enterprise startup from Indonesia and expand into the US market? In this episode of Nalar Bicara, we sit down with Reydi Sutandang, CTO & Co-founder of Happy5, to discuss his journey of transforming workplace culture through technology. 🚀💼

Topics Covered in This Episode:
✅ The early challenges of launching Happy5
✅ Finding product-market fit in the B2B enterprise space
✅ How Happy5 secured its first big client despite rejections
✅ Competing globally: Why many Indonesian founders hesitate & how to break through
✅ Servicing US customers while running a team from Indonesia
✅ The key to maintaining a strong co-founder relationship

If you're an entrepreneur, startup founder, or interested in the future of work and HR tech, this episode is packed with valuable insights! 🎧

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